Ευρωπαϊκή Εταιρεία
Ελέγχων & Πιστοποιήσεων A.E

SA8000 Έλεγχοι κατά την πανδημία του Κορονοϊύ

It is strongly recommended for the moment that on-sites audits are discontinued for all types and in all countries globally.

Instead of on-site visits and depending on the type of audit, the following apply:

Initial audits: No initial audit can take place offsite

Recertification audits: A full recertification decision may be deferred for a maximum period of six months from the due date. In the interim period (until such time as a recertification on-site audit is feasible and audit conclusions available) EUROCERT shall issue a “Temporary” SA8000 certificate (with particular number and suffix).

On-site recertification audit shall take place within this period.

Surveillance audits: EUROCERT shall perform an offsite “Follow-up Review” according to SAAS Procedure 200 requirements, which shall be repeated (maximum) every 13 weeks. If a client organization business closes, making ‘Follow-up Review’ impossible, this shall be recorded and followed-up periodically. If client organization’s business remains closed 13 weeks after an audit visit was due, EUROCERT shall suspend the client’s SA8000 certificate until such time as monitoring has been successfully resumed and satisfactory SA8000 performance demonstrated. Follow-up reviews are intended to monitor ongoing certification and do not replace on-site audits. Any on-site audit missed shall be performed as quickly as possible when normal working conditions apply and as dictated by future instructions.

It is possible, only for 6-month surveillance cycle (not for annual surveillance) to combine 2 on-site surveillance audits by adding up the audit effort required. This has to take place max 2 months after resuming to work. Of course, effort must be given to conduct all on-site surveillance needed within the 3-year cycle.

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